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Dedicated Development Team – The Advantages of Expertise

Dedicated Development Team is the perfect solution for hi-tech projects requiring specific technical, analytical, and business know-how.


Outsourcing is a common practice in various industries around the Globe. It was first recognized as a business strategy in 1989 and became an integral part of business economics throughout the 1990s (Investopedia). For 70% of the companies, the main reason for outsourcing is cost reduction (Delloite). However, the two other cardinal arguments for outsourcing are flexibility and time-to-market. Namely, these are the factors that move forward hi-tech outsourcing. In the IT sector, where the products have significant added value, it is not about the money, but the expertise, the quality of the outcome, and the timely release.

Outsourcing Models

The outsourcing industry uses several engagement schemes:

  1. Time and Material
  2. Fixed Price
  3. Dedicated Development Team

Time and Material Model

The Time and Material Model (T&M) is typically applicable for long-term projects with dynamic requirements where the project scope is not completely clear and demands greater flexibility. The billing is based on hourly rates of the labor and the actual work done. Customers receive bills for the number of hours spent on a specific project, plus the costs of materials.

T&M projects usually have some disadvantages, such as undefined budgets, unfixed deadlines, and additional administrative supervision.

Fixed Price Model

The Fixed Price Model is more suitable for small ventures with limited project scope and precise requirements with determined deadlines. Such could be some Proof of Concept projects, small demonstration projects, etc. It is usually a single-amount contract where the outsourcing service provider agrees to complete the task within the negotiated sum and time frame.

While bringing financial predictability, the Fixed Price contracts are less flexible and do not provide many options for project amendments. Besides, to play safe and avoid the risk of uncalculated tasks, the seller often offers a higher price tag.

Dedicated Development Team

What appears to be a smart model, especially for projects demanding specific expertise, is hiring a Dedicated Development Team. This is another outsourcing model, which comes to eliminate the associated with T&M and Fixed Price disadvantages. Dedicated Development Team works well for short and long-term projects alike. It provides exceptional flexibility, financial predictability, and complete control without unnecessary overhead. The dedicated unit practically operates as a remote team under the client’s supervision or under the customer’s and the vendor’s administration.

The use of a Dedicated Development Team comes particularly handy when one needs to build a software solution that requires definite technical, analytical, and business know-how. For example, when we discuss the launch of a new service or software platform, there is a low probability of having the appropriate capability in-house. At the same time, head-hunting is often risky, time-consuming, and pretty expensive. The solution is hiring a Dedicated Development Team from a service provider with a relevant background and competence. For example, if you are to build a video streaming-related solution, your best choice would be to contact a video streaming solutions developer.

Building and managing a dedicated software development team brings an extension to your in-house engineering capacity. It allows fast and easy team size scaling, optimized time-to-market, and lowered operations risk. Utilizing a professional solutions developer adds more outstanding expertise and brings a significant analytical capability to your in-house resources. A software developer with specialized experience in a particular domain will contribute not only to the technical side of the project but also business-wise. This fact will accelerate the time-to-market for launching new features and improve their efficiency. At the same time, the client benefits from the proficiency of highly skilled developers with in-depth competence in the required domain.

Experience Matters

Finding a technology partner with more than 20-year experience in the software development outsourcing business provides for efficiency, reliability, and predictability. Bianor has established a smooth process flow utilizing all of the abovementioned models. Building Dedicated Development Teams for customers proves that this model is the most efficient, cost-effective, and mutually beneficial. Bianor has built and sustained proficient dedicated units for Technidata (a company acquired by SAP) and Comptel (a Nokia company) throughout the years. In addition, Bianor’s team is fostering a solid 10-year dedicated team partnership with Sunbird and maintaining a long-term commitment to an AT&T project.

During the last 15 years, Bianor has acquired significant knowledge in developing video-related software solutions. Our expertise and flexibility allow us to rapidly build dedicated teams to solve the immediate clients’ needs or build and maintain their long-term projects. Our video streaming experts have deep knowledge and understanding of all major technologies and stay constantly tuned to the new and emerging ones. Bianor’s overall acquaintance with the streaming industry, their unique know-how for flawless distribution to any given platform and any device, together with considerable administrative experience, make Bianor a preferred software development partner.